Thursday, March 24, 2011

Incorporating Vocies

In the books that we have read in the class, and the short stories, the authors incorporated other people's voices. They did this by stating who it is from and what the quotes are. The authors also used studies to show. They would take facts from studies and give them credit to where credit is due. They also would give the sites or information on where they found the information that was incorporated into the paper.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Research question

Use this space to explore more of your own claim. How did you arrive at your research question? What is it that interests you? What do you wish to explore and why? Spend this space developing your argument.

I chose the question about the redefinition of rape.  The thing that interests me about this issue is that there are plenty of people that have been raped and they didn't know what to do. Also some of them might not have known what is classified as rape so they might not have realized that they were until it was too late. In my paper, i plan on showing what different state laws are regarding rape and what is being proposed. I also will show what this new law implys. By that i mean i will show what will be classified as rape, how it is changed, and what people (rapists) can get away with and not have any kind of consequence. I wish to explore what the states will think of it and i also would like to put what people other than myself think of this new rape law if it passes.